UKEB has established the Standard-Setters (NSS) Sustainability Forum, while also revealing the inaugural members.
The purpose of the NSS Sustainability Forum is to develop an understanding of connectivity issues between IFRS Accounting Standards and IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards, consider possible solutions that would address stakeholder needs for connectivity between information presented in companies’ sustainability reports and financial reports, and to share them with the ISSB and IASB as they develop high quality international standards.
Membership is limited to the technical directors, or equivalent, of the participating NSS, with a particular interest in, or responsibility for, the overlap between IFRS Accounting Standards and IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards.
NSS Sustainability Forum Chair
Seema Jamil-O’Neill is the Technical Director of the UK Endorsement Board. Between January 2017 to April 2020, Seema worked at the UK Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy as the Head of Accounting and Reporting Policy, where she led the team responsible for maintaining the integrity of UK’s Accounting and Reporting Framework as the UK exited the EU.
NSS Sustainability Forum Members
Bee Leng Tan – MASB executive director
Bee Leng Tan has more than 30 years of work experience and prior to joining the national standard-setter board, she had been involved in public practice as well as in commerce and industry where she served in senior management roles in publicly listed companies.
Katharine Christopoulos – AcSB accounting standards director
Katharine Christopoulos is Director of the Accounting Standards Board (AcSB) in Canada. The AcSB is an independent body with the authority to establish accounting standards for use by all Canadian entities outside the public sector. The AcSB serves the public interest by establishing standards for financial reporting by all Canadian private sector entities and by contributing to the development of internationally accepted financial reporting standards.
Nikole Gyles – AASB technical director
Nikole Gyles has over 20 years of experience in policy development and industry-focused research roles. Her roles include extensive standard-setting expertise, technical accounting, and advisory at Big 4 accounting firms in Australia and the UK. As AASB Technical Director, Nikole leads the AASB staff in developing and delivering standard-setting projects.
Siobhan Hammond – AASB acting sustainability reporting
Siobhan Hammond, as Acting Director, leads the AASB Sustainability Reporting staff in the development of sustainability reporting standard-setting projects. Prior to joining the AASB, Siobhan worked as a project manager at the International Accounting Standards Board where she was responsible for the Definition of Material, Disclosure of Accounting Policies and Extractive Activities projects and assisted on a number of Disclosure Initiative projects.