Digital skills have been highlighted as one of the key skills and attitudes required for an accounting technician.
The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) have released a framework for professional accountancy organisations outlining the skills and attitudes for accounting technicians.
Digital skills involves the accounting technician being able to use appropriate search techniques to locate and select relevant information from a variety of sources for a complex task and making appropriate judgements on its relevance and quality, as well as using advanced software features to improve the efficiency of the work and evaluating the selection, use and effectiveness of ICT tools and facilities that present information.
The framework included a number of ‘can do’ statements under the following heading which describe the skills and attitudes required:
- Communicating effectively;
- Personal organisation and teamwork;
- Decision making;
- Meeting customer needs and professionalism and;
- Digital Skills.
The framework was developed by the IFAC and the Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT) in the UK.
It draws on AAT’s existing work and also includes content from the Confederation of Asia Pacific Accountants (CAPA) publication, Accounting Technicians: Exploring Opportunities for the Profession.
Accounting technicians are expected to communicate well, meaning that they can use verbal communication and written communication effectively, as well as using listening skills.
They are also expected to have skills in personal organisation and teamwork and decision making, requiring them to plan effectively and meet deadlines, cope well with and respond to different situations, working well with others, making effective decisions and using problem-solving skills.
Accounting technicians will also need to show skills in meeting customer needs and professionalism which includes, understanding how to meet and respond to customer needs and working to a high standard of professionalism.
IFAC’s head of quality and development Joseph Bryson said: “IFAC hopes that every professional accountancy organisation with an interest in the accounting technician qualification shares their experience and helps to grow this important segment of the global accountancy ecosystem.”
The framework also includes competencies for different technician levels, mapping to IFAC International Education Standards, and the Foundations Project.
By Mishelle Thurai