The soon to be abolished UK Audit Commission has said essential
questions regarding  its work were lacking in the Department
for Communities and Local Government’s (DCLG) public consultation
on its future.

The Audit Commission said that the paper by
the DCLG does not ask whether or not it is right for local public
bodies to appoint their own auditors and whether it is right to
abolish the commission in the first place.

“Independent appointment is one of the main
safeguards for audit independence. It should not be set aside
lightly,” the commission said.
The commission also voiced concerns over the government’s new
framework for local public audits as it doesn’t cover safeguarding
auditor independence, ensuring proper accountability to local
people and managing the impact on audit competition and costs.

In August 2010, communities secretary Eric
Pickles announced the Audit Commission will close by 2012 saving
the government £50m ($80.2m) a year.

Following the governments decision the DCLG
issued a consultation document and a draft bill is expected to be
issued later this year.

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UK Audit Commission abolished